
| Workplace Experience Design

| Creative Director

| 2021

  • Creative Direction

    Design Direction: Physical & Digital

    Content Design

    UX Design

In 2018 Uber set out to change their global workplace experience.

Over the course of 3+ years I worked hand in hand Uber leadership to create a design system that would unify their global workplace experience.

This brand system brought their mission, vision and values to each location and celebrated their largest hubs with 4 bespoke physical installations.

Uber HQ: San Francisco, Ca

Uber Mexico City

An abstracted stream of information reveals rider and driver stories as guests enter the lobby.

Uber HQ: San Francisco, Ca


Uber’s mission “to ignite opportunity around the world” rose to the surface of each location through a stream of editorial experiences. Employees and guests were connected to the riders and drivers that embody Uber’s mision.

A digital STREAM of information runs throughout the each workplace serving up stories that keep each offices connected to the core mission.

Uber NYC


Uber’s vision “to provide transportation to everyone everywhere” comes to live by highlighting all active locations. Guests can see all cities where Uber is alive and operational and watch new ones come online.

Uber: NYC

Uber: Chicago


Finally Uber’s values come to life with bespoke animations that celebrate the cities, cultures and people that Uber touches around the world.