
| Workplace Experience Design

| Creative Director

| 2022

  • Creative Direction

    -Physical & Digital Design

    -Content Design

    -UX Design

Meta wanted to create a deeper connection between its product team and the businesses they serve. The Global Portals platform serves as an archive of inspiration and innovation. Meta teams can connect with businesses from around the world that are using Facebook to grow their businesses in new ways.

The platform was deployed across mulitple Meta campuses.

Meta: Menlo Park, Ca

Meta: Austin, Tx

And, brand colors were algorithmically connected to the content of each layout.

Teams were rewarded for deeper interaction. Surprise modes and interactions were baked into the experience.

We first helped Meta find the businesses and stories that would inspire their teams on a daily basis.

Meta: Menlo Park, Ca

A responsive design system let Meta teams publish to a range of locations and quickly refresh content.

Meta: Menlo Park, Ca

Interactions were designed for busy teams on the go, allowing team members to catch a glimpse of something new each time they passed the installations.