| Mobile, Web & In Store Experience

| Creative Director

  • Creative Direction

    -Design Direction

    -UX Design

    -Physical Design

    -Web Experience

    -Mobile Experience

  • The Webby Awards:

    Best Responsive/Adaptive Design for Mobile

When HBO merged with Warner Media they wanted to show the world their new archive of movies and shows dating back nearly a century.

But, how do you find a that ONE clip in a million movie moments? You act it out.

The Obit, a multi-platform experience, lets audience to find their favorite cinematic moments by any means necessary. Body pose detection, speech recognition and facial tracking connect audiences with every scene, character and quote in the HBO archive… IN REAL TIME. Can’t remember the title? Say a line. Can’t remember the line? Act it out.

The Obit was filled with easter eggs. Iconic lines might reveal a treasure trove of clips or a hidden Game of Thrones universe. The deeper users explored they more they found.

Iconic Actions

Finally we wanted to capture the action of every television show and movie in the library. A skeletal tracking system let users act out thier favorite moments or simply use your body to find something new.

Iconic Looks

Next we wanted to users to look their favorite characters directly in the eyes and that special moment. A facial tracking algorhythm connected users facial movements to every face in the HBO Max library.

Iconic Lines

We connected guests to the HBO Max library by letting them speak to the favorite characters. Using language detection we connected users with 1000’s of hour of movie and television quotes. Users simply said whatever came to mind, and The Orbit surprised them with a clip from the depths of the Max content library.

early facial tracking test with limited data set

early skeletal tracking and clip matching tests.

In Store Experience

Finally a physical experience took over ATT flagship stores around the country and brought Max universe to guests at the speed of 5G.