Barclays HQ

| Workplace Experience Design

| Creative Director

| 2023

  • Strategy

    Concept Development

    Physical Design & Architectural Integration

    Content Development

    User Experience

    Custom CMS Development

    VR Prototyping

The Barclays “Window” became the center piece of their London HQ redesign. This data fueled six story experience serves as the beating heart of their London office, and foregrounds all things culture, care and connection for their their employees and guests.

The People

Each day the Window wakes with the sun and sets the tempo for the day. A simple timer cycles uses daylight color data to remind staffers to stand up, stretch and breathe with every hour. This simple guesture creates a backbone of care throughout the workday.

The Work

The data of global markets powers a meditative visual experience that sets the rhythm of a thoughtful and production workday.

The World

A digital garden connects guests to the sustainability metrics of Barclays HQ. Each day guests can track Barclays sustainability goals by watching the bloom and decay of flora and fauna.

The Culture

A wealth of other visual experiences connects guests and employees to Barclays’ cultural values and global reach.